It was yet another fine morning for real life adventures. My good friend Boatswain (Don's dog) and I headed to the marina to visit the Lady Washington a tall ship in port for a visit. Those of you who have seen the "Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl" will have seen lots of on deck action on this ship aka the HMS Intruder; she was the fastest ship in port that Captain Jack Sparrow stole to chase down the Black Pearl.

Here is Boatswain, aka Bosun', persuading the Bosun's mate of The Lady Washington to let him sign on as a crew member. The dog being an alpha male really wants the job of the captain of the ship but he was given another important assignment, one he is equally skilled at.

Bosun was assigned to guard the ship while it was in Seattle. Here he is on the gangplank making sure no unauthorized intruders get on board. Just minutes after this photo was taken the ship and crew were attacked by a very long Sea Monster who resembles somewhat the famed Loch Ness Monster. Bosun, single pawed, drove off the monster with his ferocious barking no doubt saving the ship and the lives of the crew. Good job Bosun!

As I was leaving to head to my workshop just a few blocks away I turned around to snap one last photo and to my surprise caught the image of the monster heading back out to sea. If you click on the photo to enlarge it you can get a good look at the Shilshole Sea Monster. A tall image of a classic tall ship and a whopper of a tall tail(tale)to go with it.
If you would like to sail on the Lady Washington she will be around Puget Sound most of the summer and for a fee you can have an experience of a lifetime to remember and help to keep her sailing for many years.
Boatswain the dog is normally the Bosun's mate of the fine ship Antelope. He will return to his duties there shortly when he is not busy being the guardian of all I own. At the moment he is in his bunk under my workshop sink getting a little shut-eye before the nightwatch.